Privacy Manifest generator

Conveniently generate your app PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file.

Starting on May 1st 2024 Apple requires all apps thet make use of certain APIs to declare this usage in a privacy manifest file. Since editing the file by hand is somewhat tedious, this site will help you generate the file instead so you just select which items you need to include and we do the rest!

Learn more about Required API Usage

Use the form on the left to configure your require API usage and your privacy nutrition label. The XML on the right will automatically update to reflect your chosen settings. Copy the generated XML to your clipboard and update your PrivacyInfo file by hand or download the file and drag it into your Xcode project.

Required API usage

Pick all relevant options for your usage

Choose your API Usage reason(s)

Pick one or more Usage reasons that fit your app's usage.

Declare this reason to display file timestamps to the person using the device.

Information accessed for this reason, or any derived information, may not be sent off-device.

Declare this reason to access the timestamps, size, or other metadata of files inside the app container, app group container, or the app’s CloudKit container.

Declare this reason to access the timestamps, size, or other metadata of files or directories that the user specifically granted access to, such as using a document picker view controller.

Declare this reason if your third-party SDK is providing a wrapper function around file timestamp API(s) for the app to use, and you only access the file timestamp APIs when the app calls your wrapper function. This reason may only be declared by third-party SDKs. This reason may not be declared if your third-party SDK was created primarily to wrap required reason API(s).

Information accessed for this reason, or any derived information, may not be used for your third-party SDK’s own purposes or sent off-device by your third-party SDK.

Privacy tracking

Check this option if your app or a third-party SDK uses data tracking as described by Apple in their App Tracking Transparency framework. For more info see Apple's User privacy and data use guide.

Tracking Domains

Collected Data Types

Tracking reasons
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">